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leo Leo
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate July 23 to August 2 Solid as a rock

Since you display a special ability that demonstrates you're totally in command, people turn to you for help and support. Use this energy to assist others; later they’re likely to return kindnesses when you need a helping hand. In the process make sure you don’t lose sight of your goals, you have the power to achieve them, make sure that you do.

Second Decanate August 3 to August 13 React Reasonably

If You feel misunderstood by others, don’t respond aggressively, but take it easy. Despite your high level of commitment, you may experience some tension, act calmly and put things off until the atmosphere improves and appears less difficult. Exercise is always beneficial for relieving tension and is the best thing you can do now.

Third Decanate August 14 to August 23 Mood swings

You take out your anger on those people you’re closest to, and this eventually rebounds on you. Improve your attitude instead of blaming others for your continual mood swings that frequently cause needless upsets in your relationships. Don’t do too much, set aside some quiet time and examine your feelings to restore your emotional well-being.